Emergency Dentist In Hamilton

A dental emergency, whether it is experienced in your teeth, gums, or elsewhere, can have severe ramifications if ignored, especially when effects are permanent or require extensive, expensive treatment in the future. Should you need an emergency dentist, please contact our office as soon as possible by calling (905) 388-8888 or using our contact form. To prevent dental emergencies from occurring, you should always:

Wear a mouth guard when you are participating in sporting activities. Use a mouth guard to protect yourself, particularly if it is a contact sport like hockey, football, and boxing. Mouth guards can help prevent serious mouth injuries, including bleeding gums and chipped or knocked out teeth.

Eat carefully and wisely. Although teeth are strong, you can still crack or chip a tooth by eating hard candy, nuts, or chewing crunchy meat (bacon). Use caution when you bite down on these products, or simply remove them from your diet because they are not worth the risk of chipping a tooth.

Avoid chewing on items that are not edible. Many patients have oral tendencies, such as biting their nails or chewing on pens. This can cause cracks or chips in their teeth. Swap these items for sugarless chewing gum, a product that stimulates saliva production and cleanses bacteria.

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